N.B: due to a high volume of calls our phone lines may be busy, please email CONSULAR.AUS@maec.gov.ma first for enquiries  

Diplomatic and consular agents register the civil status records of Moroccan nationals living abroad in accordance with Moroccan laws and regulations. 

Civil status records include a variety of services regarding: 

  • Moroccan family books. 
  • Birth and death certificates.
  • Marriage and divorce.

Family booklet

The family booklet is the official document proving the existence of family ties between the different people who form a family. It must be requested by the husband on the occasion of his marriage to enable him to register the birth of his children.

The request for the family booklet must be submitted, either:

  • Directly by the person concerned, to the civil status office of his place of birth (in Morocco or abroad).
  • Directly by the person concerned, to the civil status office of his place of residence in Morocco if the applicant of the family booklet was born abroad and settled permanently in Morocco.
  • By mandating (through a legalised proxy) a person of his choice, for the purpose of filing the application and withdrawing the family booklet at the registry office of his place of birth (in Morocco or abroad).

     Required documents:

  • The Family Registration Booklet.pdfcompleted and signed;
  • Copy of the CNIE of the applicant;
  • Copy of the wife’s identity document;
  • Original of Adulaire or official civil marriage certificate & a photocopy;
  • For the spouse: a full copy of the birth certificate or an extract of birth certificate;
  • For the Moroccan wife: a full copy of the birth certificate (not the extract of the birth certificate);
  • For the wife of a foreign nationality: a full copy of the birth certificate with compulsory mention of filiations: name of the father and mother & a translation in Arabic language;
  • A prepaid self addressed envelope (Registered Post, Express Post);
  • Two recent photos in colour of the husband (3.5 cm x 4.5 cm passport format).

Please note - the civil status and identity booklets established before October 2002, are still valid. Any married Moroccan may request to substitute his identity book and civil status for a Family booklet. This application should be presented to the registrar office of the place of birth along with the following: 

  • A copy of the marriage certificate, marriage confirmation or mutual recognition of marriage. 
  • A copy of the wife's birth certificate so that the registrar carries the marginal marriage notice on his birth certificate. 
  • A copy of the birth certificate of each child. 
  • Restitution of the identity and marital status booklet to be kept in the civil status file. 

Child Registration

The transcription of the birth certificate is issued by the consular service where the birth of the newborn took place. It is made by the next of kin of the newborn in the following order: the father or the mother, the testamentary guardian, the brother, the nephew or by any person duly mandated for this purpose.



Child born to a Moroccan father

  • Consular registration of parents is required if they reside in the consular district.
  • Family booklet or Moroccan identity and civil status booklet (in case of absence, a written promise to present this booklet as soon as possible is required).
  • Complete copy of the birth certificate of the child issued by a competent local authority of the country of birth.
  • Extract from the birth certificate of the mother of the child or a copy of the Moroccan family book of the spouse or the CNIE.
  • Copy of the CNIE card of the father.
  • Marriage certificate (copy).
  • Identity card of the person making the declaration.
  • A prepaid self addressed envelope (Registered Post, Express Post);
  • Child Registration Form.pdf


Child born to a Moroccan mother and a foreign father

  • Certificate of nationality for a child born before 2 April 2007.
  • Consular registration of the mother if she lives within the consular district.
  • Complete copy of the birth certificate of the child issued by a competent local authority of the country of birth.
  • Complete copy of the birth certificate of the mother or her CNIE.
  • Identity document or any document mentioning the parentage of the father.
  • Marriage certificate – if applicable (copy).
  • Identity card of the person making the declaration.
  • Child Registration Form.pdf
  • A prepaid self addressed envelope (Registered Post, Express Post);


Child born to a single mother

  • Consular registration of the mother if she lives in the consular district.
  • Complete copy of the birth certificate of the child issued by a competent local authority of the country of birth.
  • Complete recent copy of the mother’s birth certificate.
  • CNIE of the mother.
  • Child Registration Form.pdf
  • A prepaid self addressed envelope (Registered Post, Express Post);


Child born out of wedlock

  • Consular registration of the mother if she lives in the consular district.
  • Complete copy of the birth certificate of the child issued by a competent local authority of the country of birth.
  • Complete copies of the birth certificates of mother and father (in Arabic and French).
  • Act of recognition of paternity (Istilhaq).
  • Identity documents of both parents.
  • Child Registration Form.pdf
  • A prepaid self addressed envelope (Registered Post, Express Post);



Marriage Certificate

     Required documents:

  • Consular registration.
  • Original marriage certificate & copy. 
  • Passport and CNIE of the applicant. 
  • A prepaid self addressed envelope (Registered Post, Express Post).

Divorce Certificate

     Required documents:

  • Consular registration.
  • Divorce certificate (original & copy).
  • Passport or CNIE of the applicant. 
  • A prepaid self addressed envelope (Registered Post, Express Post).

Death Transcript

The death is transcribed with the Consular Services of the place where the death occured. It is declared to the civil status officer at the Consulate by: the son, the spouse, the mother, the testamentary, the brother, grandfather, close relatives who follow in the order or by any authority legally empowered for this purpose.

     Required documents:

  • Complete copy of the death certificate issued by the competent authority of the country of the place of death. 
  • Passport and CNIE of the deceased. 
  • Family booklet or Moroccan identity and civil status booklet on which the deceased is registered, if applicable. 
  • Birth certificate of the deceased. 
  • Marriage certificate, if applicable. 
  • Birth certificate or CNIE extract of the widow. 
  • A prepaid self addressed envelope (Registered Post, Express Post).
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